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elv testing
elv testing

the directive (2000/53/ec), eu end-of life vehicles (elv), lays down measures which aim, as a first priority, at the prevention of waste from vehicles and, in addition, at the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of end-of life vehicles and their components so as to reduce the disposal of waste, as well as at the improvement in the environmental performance of all of the economic operators involved in the life cycle of vehicles and especially the operators directly involved in the treatment of end-of life vehicles.

the directive targets at:

1. standardising the control of four hazardous substances (pb, cd, hg, cr6 ) in vehicle manufacturing industry;

2. raising recycling of waste from vehicles to promote the reuse and recycling of components and materials.

comparison of eu elv and rohs

restricted substances

rohs (2011/65/eu)

elv (2000/53/ec)

cadmium, cd



mercury, hg



lead, pb



hexavalent chromium, cr (vi)



polybrominated biphenyls, pbbs



polybrominated diphenyl ethers, pbdes



four phthalates

(dehp, bbp, dbp and dibp)




comparison of eu elv and china elv

as a matter of fact, regulations concerning elv in china and eu are alike. but eu directive for elv was first came up as early as 1990 and passed on 19 september 2000. it became eu directive 2000/53/eu on 21 october in the same year. later the directive 2002/525/ec also placed restrictions on four heavy metals in annex ii to provide for member states should ensure the four heavy metals were not present in vehicles (including their components and materials) to be placed on the market after 1 july 2003. the latest version for annex ii amendment is directive 2013/28/eu.

late start as china has, vehicle and sale industries have begun the registration and filing of vehicle recycling since 2008 in order to attain phased targets. having applied in 2010, china elv provides for vehicles offered for sale in china should take full account of reuse of end-life products in the hope of adopting recycled and reusable components and materials to the maximum,at the prevention of high consumption, low efficiency, heavy pollution, large costs and generation of hazardous substances during the processing of imported vehicle materials. china will also give preference to vehicles with high recycling rate and publish the phase-out list of factories and equipment that generated solid industrial wastes.


eu elv

china elv

phase i

it prohibits the use of lead, mercury, cadmium or hexavalent chromium in materials and components of vehicles put on the market after 1 july 2003

no later than 2010, for all vehicles made in china and types m2, m3, n2, n3 of imported vehicles,the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. within the same time limit the reuse and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 80 % by an average weight per vehicle and year; for allvehicles made in china and types m1 and n1 imported vehicles,the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 80 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. within the same time limit the reuse and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 75 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. meanwhile, it prohibits the use of lead, mercury, cadmium or hexavalent chromium in materials and components of vehicles.

exemption: lead-containing alloy, accumulator cells, lead plating, chromium plating, additives (stabilisers), mercury for lighting applications

phase ii

no later than 1 january 2006, for all end-of life vehicles, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. within the same time limit the reuse and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 80 % by an average weight per vehicle and year; or vehicles produced before 1 january 1980, member states may lay down lower targets, but not lower than 75 % for reuse and recovery and not lower than 70 % for reuse and recycling. member states making use of this subparagraph shall inform the commission and the other member states of the reasons therefor

no later than 2012,all vehicles made in china or imported from other countries, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 90 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. within the same time limit, the re-use and recycling of materials shall be increased to a minimum of 80 % by an average weight per vehicle and year.

phase iii

no later than 1 january 2015, for all end-of life vehicles, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 95 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. within the same time limit, the re-use and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year.

no later than 2017all vehicles made in china or imported from other countries, the reuse and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 90 % by an average weight per vehicle and year. within the same time limit, the re-use and recycling of materials shall be increased to a minimum of 85 % by an average weight per vehicle and year.


restricted substances

eu elv

china elv

cadmium, cd



mercury, hg



lead, pb



hexavalent chromium, cr (vi)



polybrominated biphenyls, pbbs



polybrominated diphenyl ethers, pbdes



exempted from decabromodiphenyl oxide

seeing from the above, it is easily to conclude that directive elv will be widely applied along with the awakening of environmental protection awareness in markets around the world.

c&k testing can provide professional testing as per the requirements in directive elv. besides, we can render you one-stop solutions integrating consulting, testing and certification.  please feel free to contact if any question.



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