japan jis certification -九游会ag老哥俱乐部入口

japan jis certification
japan jis certification

jis (japanese industrial standards) is a japanese national standard formulated by the japanese industrial standards survey (jisc) in accordance with the japanese industrial standardization law. according to the provisions of the japanese industrial standardization law, the jis standard not only have special standards or technical specifications for pharmaceuticals, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, silk, food and other agricultural and forestry products, but also involve various industrial fields. its contents include: product standards (product shape, size, quality, performance, etc.), method standards (test, analysis, detection and measurement methods and operating standards, etc.), basic standards (terms, symbols, units, priority numbers, etc.). majors include: construction, machinery, electrical, metallurgy, transportation, chemical industry, mining, textile, papermaking, medical equipment, ceramics and daily necessities, information technology, etc., and have made outstanding contributions to improving the quality of japan's mining industry products.

jis applicants can obtain the jis certification only after passing the factory audit and product testing, and mark the jis logo on the products. jis certification is in principle a voluntary certification, but since the certification is highly recognized in japan, companies that generally export to japan or participate in japanese government procurement will apply for jis certification.

certification mark


 jis certification object classification and number 






civil construction




general machinery


pulp and paper


electronic appliances and electrical machinery


management system








daily necessities




medical safety appliances






non-ferrous metals


information technology








19 fields

preparations for the applicant company

during jis certification, the certification body will evaluate whether the company promotes the company's internal standardization activities and quality management activities, so as to continuously establish a quality system and continue to produce products that exceed the requirements of the jis standard. therefore, the applicant company must be operated and managed for more than 6 months.

step1. determine whether the product to be applied for is a jis certified product

first confirm whether the product to be applied for is a jis certified product and whether the jis standard has been formulated

* japanese industrial standards committee www.jisc.go.jp

step 2. confirm the factory audit assessment items

the items and assessment criteria in the factory audit report of the certification body

step 3. introduce the company's internal standardization and quality management regulations. corresponding to jis standards, certification audit standards, and internal standardization and quality management activities required in the factory audit report

step 3. introduce the company's internal standardization and quality management regulations. corresponding to jis standards, certification audit standards, and internal standardization and quality management activities required in the factory audit report

step 4. the person in charge of quality management participates in regular training

ensure that the person in charge of quality management meets the qualification requirements (meet the credit requirements or participate in the training of the person in charge of quality management)

step 5. confirm production equipment and testing equipment

production equipment, testing equipment and related company standard documents required for product production

step 6. operation and management records of more than 6 months

operating normally and produce for more than 6 months after equipped with equipment and manpower according to the above requirements.

step 7. apply for jis certification

submit an application for certification to a certification body

product certification process

content of each stage

1) certification application

enterprises applying for jis logo certification should fill in the application form and application documents and submit them to the certification body, and pay the certification application fee. the certification body shall review the application documents and notify the enterprise of supplementary information when necessary.

2) establish a factory audit plan and notify the enterprise

the certification body establishes an audit team and formulates a factory audit plan to notify the enterprise. the applicant company confirms the audit plan and informs the certification body if there is any opinion. in order to ensure the fairness of certification business and avoid differential treatment, the period from certification application to factory audit is 60 days. the applicant company can negotiate with the certification body to adjust the audit time.

3)  auditors perform audits

1. review of application documents

before the on-site audit, the auditors need to confirm whether the application documents conform to the jis standard, audit standards, and rules related to the qualification certification of the japanese industrial standards, and then collect sufficient information for the on-site audit. if a non-conforming item is found during the document review, the applicant company must take corrective measures within one month, and the item will be confirmed during the on-site review.

2. factory on-site audit

the applicant company pays the factory audit fee, and the auditors go to the applicant company's factory to confirm whether the company conducts production and maintenance according to the audit standards with the documents and records submitted by the applicant company. after the factory audit is over, the auditors inform the enterprise of the unqualified items and deliver the audit report to be confirmed by the applicant enterprise. the applicant company must correct the unqualified items within one month and inform the certification body. if you have any comments on the audit results, you can submit comments in writing.

3. product testing

the certification body arranges product testing after the applicant company pays the product testing fee,

4. confirmation audit

after the applicant company submits the correction report, the reviewers will conduct a document review or on-site review. if it can be determined that the unqualified items have been corrected through the document review, the on-site review can be omitted. however, if unqualified items occur again during the confirmation audit, the confirmation audit cycle can be extended.

5. if serious shortcomings or violations of certification business regulations are found during the audit, the audit can be stopped.

4) the certification committee reviews and issues the certification

after confirming that the audit is over, a review committee will be organized to decide whether or not to be certified.

certification fee (excluding tax) and cycle (take ktr as an example)

(1) application fee: krw 5.6 million within two jis standards, and krw 800,000 for each additional standard

(2) travel expenses of auditors: in accordance with ktr's internal travel expenses regulations

(3) product testing fee: according to the ktr testing fee standard

(4) cycle: 60 working days (excluding factory audit and product testing cycle)

factory audit

prepare materials:

  • information on the current situation of the company: pdca system of company training, business philosophy (when applicable), business policy, quality policy, policy (including business plan); the previous year's proposal, customer handling, and training; the purpose of applying for certification
  • production volume and output volume of jis equivalent products and non-jis products from the previous year
  • company specifications and related records
  • ensure that there are products in stock that have completed the final inspection

audit items:

review project

number of specific projects (the number of core projects in parentheses)

1. summary and arrangement of audit results

arrangement of the following: individual matters and general matters

2. individual matters

product management (product quality, outsourcing, product labeling)

management of raw materials

manufacturing process management

management of manufacturing equipment and testing equipment

product quality

3. general matters

management policy, organization operation, training, and person in charge of quality management

review standard

review results



full compliance


the current situation fully meets the certification requirements

partially non-compliance


although the company's documents have formulated the inspection standards for jis and the quality management system, but some of the contents are defective.

although the requirements of the certification guidelines have been formulated in the company documents, some of the contents are defective. part of the content of the implementation of the company's document standards could not be confirmed



does not meet the requirements of jis

notes on the review standards for the quality management system that are not formulated in company documents

there are no requirements for establishing certification guidelines in company documents

the implementation of company document standards cannot be confirmed at all

judgement standard

judgement result

judgement standard

treatment measures


all the evaluations in each audit item are a

issuance of certification

certification hold

in the review report, there should be more than one evaluation b and c in each of the review project categories, but no more than 3 review results including c

submit a report on rectification measures within 30 days, and the rectification will be certified when the rectification is in line

not certified

there are major defects in the review project evaluation in the review report and the product experiment is unqualified, and there are more than 4 review results containing c

reapply for certification and accept factory inspection

product audit (product testing)

during the factory audit, the auditor randomly selects samples to test whether the product meets the jis standard. because the product test covers all the items applying for the jis standard, it is necessary to ensure that the product inventory can meet the sampling quantity demand.

certificate faq

(the following content is for reference only for companies applying for jis certification for the first time)

q1. is jis certification compulsory?

a: jis certification is voluntary and not mandatory; however, this certification is highly recognized in japan, and generally companies exporting to japan or participating in japanese government procurement will apply; in addition, it is beneficial to companies' external publicity, product sales, and enhance their competitiveness.

q2. which products can apply for jis certification?

a: you can search for the existence of jis standards in the "jis search" of the (click to view). products that have developed jis product standards can apply for jis certification.

q3. how long is the certification cycle?

a: the jis certification cycle can be roughly divided into three parts: application material review, factory review, and product testing. generally, it takes about 60 working days from the date when the application materials are accepted to the end of the factory review. the product testing cycle varies from product to product (not counting within 60 days); if there is a correction item in the factory audit, the correction cycle is excluded; in addition, the time for the enterprise to receive consultation and prepare documents is excluded.

q4. how much does jis certification cost?

a: jis certification fee consists of application fee, factory audit travel fee and product testing fee; product testing fee will vary according to different testing institutions.

application fee: krw 5.6 million for 2 projects, plus krw 800,000 for each additional project

factory audit travel expenses: according to the travel expenses standards of the certification body, including meals, daily expenses, accommodation expenses, transportation expenses, etc.; the audit team generally consists of two people, and the number of audit days depends on the number of applications.

product testing fee: the fee stipulated by the recognized testing agency in korea

the above fees do not include tax; the fees for companies receiving external consultation and forecasting products are excluded.

q6. what is a jis quality management officer?

a: a jis quality management officer is a person who holds the qualification requirements stipulated by the japanese industrial standards committee and is responsible for promoting the standardization activities and quality management activities related to the jis certification of the company. the korean industrial standardization law and the jis certification audit standard clearly stipulate that jis certified enterprises need to establish the position of quality management person who can effectively promote quality management activities.

q6. what are the qualification requirements for the person in charge of quality management? (take the requirements of the certification body ktr as an example)

a: 1. qualification requirements (meet 1 of them): elective statistics/quality management/business engineering/production management courses in universities or colleges and more than 1 course and complete 2 credits and 30 class hours participate in the training of jis quality management leaders course and pass the exam

2. experience requirements (satisfied at the same time): applicable product-related technical experience for more than 1 year university graduation, standardization and quality management practice experience for more than 2 years; or college graduate, standardization and quality management practice experience for more than 4 years.

q7. do i need to have a 6-month production record before submitting a jis application?

a: yes. the applicant company submits the jis application after 6 months of normal production after meeting the jis certification requirements. during the first factory audit, the company's records for the first six months will also be checked to assess whether the company has the ability to continuously produce products that meet jis standards.

q8. how many samples do i need to prepare for product testing?

a: it varies from product to product, and it is necessary to refer to the product ks certification audit standard. the standard clearly stipulates the sampling method and sampling quantity. if the factory audit fails to prepare enough samples to prevent product testing, the audit will be stopped and certification will not be granted.

q9. jis standard viewing and purchasing website?

a: you can search for the standard number under the "jis search" column on the official website of the (click to view), and then browse the standard content through the (click to view);

purchase url:, , etc. click to view

application information

  • download application information format
  • jis certification mark

service advantage

cirs group provides certification consulting services including kc, ks and jis, with technical support provided by the personnel of the former korean ks and jis certification agencies. we have rich experience in kc, ks and jis certification of complex products, and can provide you full tracking service from material preparation to certification acquisition.

our regulatory services

  • india bis certification
  • india isi certification
  • indian crs registration
  • japan jis certification
  • korea kc certification
  • reach regulation

if you have any needs or questions, please contact us at .

next: none


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